Chip 2002 June
Dragon Burn Installer
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FM Towns/JPY
Macintosh JP
54.1 KB
1,960 lines
// RoboHELP« WebHelp 4 Dynamic HTML Effects Script
// Copyright ⌐ 1998-2000 eHelp Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Version= 4.10
// Warning: Do not modify this file. It is generated by RoboHELP« and changes will be overwritten.
var gstrNavFrmst = "navpane1.htm";
var gstrTocDhtml = "tocdhtml.htm";
var gstrIdxDhtml = "idxdhtml.htm";
var gstrFtsDhtml = "ftsdhtml.htm";
var gstrIniDhtml = "tocdhtml.htm";
var gstrBlankhtml = "_blank.htm";
var gnPageWidth = 0;
var gnPageHeight = 0;
var gstrColl = "";
var gstrStyle = ""
var gbNav4 = false;
var gbIE4 = false;
var gbIE = false;
var gbIE5 = false;
var gbIE55 = false;
var gbTocLoaded = false;
var gbIndexLoaded = false;
var gbFtsLoaded = false;
var gAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var gbMac = (gAgent.indexOf("mac") != -1);
var gbIndexInputEnable = false;
var gIndexTopicArray = new Array();
var gIndexKeywordArray = new Array();
var gIndexLetterArray = new Array();
var gbFtsInputEnable = false;
var gFtsKeywordArray = new Array();
var gFtsTopicArray = new Array();
var gFtsStopArray = new Array();
gbIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
gbNav4 = (navigator.appName == "Netscape");
gbIE4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
if (gbNav4) {
document.gnPageWidth = innerWidth;
document.gnPageHeight = innerHeight;
// document.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE);
// document.onresize = HandleResize;
} else if (gbIE4) {
gstrStyle = ".style";
gstrColl = "all.";
if (gAgent.indexOf("msie 5") != -1) {
gbIE5 = true;
if (gAgent.indexOf("msie 5.5") != -1) {
gbIE55 = true;
function HandleResize()
if (innerWidth != window.document.gnPageWidth || innerHeight != window.document.gnPageHeight) {
if (window.document.gnPageWidth == 0) {
window.document.gnPageWidth = innerWidth;
window.document.gnPageHeight = innerHeight;
} else {
window.document.gnPageWidth = innerWidth;
window.document.gnPageHeight = innerHeight;
return false;
function FindTopLevelLayer(strID)
if (gbNav4) {
return FindTopLevelLayerNS(strID);
} else if (gbIE4) {
var obj = eval("document.all." + strID);
return obj;
return null;
function FindTopLevelLayerNS(strID)
for (var iLayer = 0; iLayer < window.document.layers.length; iLayer++) {
if (window.document.layers[iLayer].id == strID) {
return window.document.layers[iLayer];
// This section is added to the search because when the scrollbar is
// added, Netscape messes up the layer list. This is another way
// of getting to the layers
if (window.document.layers.length > 0) {
var iLayer = 0;
var objLayer = window.document.layers[0];
while ((iLayer < 20) && (objLayer != null)) {
if (objLayer.id == strID) {
return objLayer;
objLayer = objLayer.above;
return null;
function GetAttribObject(obj)
var objAttrib = null;
if (typeof obj == "string") {
objAttrib = eval("document." + gstrColl + obj + gstrStyle);
} else {
objAttrib = obj;
return objAttrib;
function TabFrame()
if (gbNav4) {
return Tabs;
} else {
return document.frames['Tabs'];
function NavFrame()
if (gbNav4) {
return Navigation;
} else {
return document.frames['Navigation'];
function GetIFrameByDiv(div)
var cIframe;
if ((frames.length > 0) &&
(div != null) &&
(div.id != null))
if (div.id == "TocNav")
cIframe = frames[0];
else if (div.id == "IndexNav")
cIframe = frames[1];
else if (div.id == "FtsNav")
cIframe = frames[2];
return cIframe;
function ShowDiv(strDiv, bShow)
var Div = FindTopLevelLayer(strDiv);
if (Div == null) {
if (gbNav4) {
if (bShow == true) {
Div.visibility = 'show';
// Div.left = 0;
Div.moveToAbsolute(0, 0);
} else {
Div.visibility = 'hide';
// Div.left = -2000;
Div.moveToAbsolute(-2000, 0);
} else {
if (gbIE55)
var curIframe = GetIFrameByDiv(Div);
if (bShow)
Div.style.zIndex = 3;
if (curIframe != null)
curIframe.frameElement.style.visibility = "visible";
Div.style.zIndex = 2;
if (curIframe != null)
curIframe.frameElement.style.zIndex= 2;
curIframe.frameElement.style.visibility = "hidden";
Div.style.visibility = (bShow == true) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
function LoadTocContent(TocDiv)
gbTocLoaded = true;
function SyncTocContent(strtocURL)
var TocDiv = this.FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav');
if (TocDiv.document.all.TocIFrame == null) return;
var strFile = TocDiv.document.all.TocIFrame.document.location.href;
var strHash = TocDiv.document.all.TocIFrame.document.location.hash;
if (strHash.length > 0) {
strFile = strFile.substring(0, strFile.length - strHash.length);
var strHash = "";
if (strtocURL.length > 0) {
strHash = "#" + strtocURL;
if (strHash.length > 0) {
strFile += strHash;
if (gbNav4) {
TocDiv.src = strFile;
} else if (gbIE4) {
// no refresh.
// but we need to switch div , if need.
if (parent.TabFrame().document.images['TocTab'] != null) {
if (parent.TabFrame().document.images['IndexTab'] != null) {
if (parent.TabFrame().document.images['FtsTab'] != null) {
ShowDiv('TocNav', true);
ShowDiv('IndexNav', false);
ShowDiv('FtsNav', false);
if (document.frames['TocIFrame'] != null) // sure. we can access this iframe.
// parent.document.strtocURL = strtocURL;
// TocDiv.document.location.reload();
gbTocLoaded = true;
function TOCFocusA()
if (gbIE55)
var TocDiv = FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav');
if (TocDiv && TocDiv.document && TocDiv.document.frames['TocIFrame'])
TocDiv = TocDiv.document.frames['TocIFrame'];
if (TocDiv)
function LoadIndexContent(IndexDiv)
var strFile = location.href;
var nPosFile = strFile.indexOf(gstrNavFrmst);
strFile = strFile.substring(0, nPosFile);
strFile += gstrIdxDhtml;
if (gbNav4) {
IndexDiv.src = strFile;
} else if (gbIE4) {
// IndexDiv.document.frames['IndexIFrame'].location.href = strFile;
IndexDiv.document.all.IndexIFrame.src = strFile;
gbIndexLoaded = true;
function LoadFtsContent(FtsDiv)
var strFile = location.href;
var nPosFile = strFile.indexOf(gstrNavFrmst);
strFile = strFile.substring(0, nPosFile);
strFile += gstrFtsDhtml;
if (gbNav4) {
FtsDiv.src = strFile;
} else if (gbIE4) {
// FtsDiv.document.frames['FtsIFrame'].location.href = strFile;
FtsDiv.document.all.FtsIFrame.src = strFile;
gbFtsLoaded = true;
function TimeoutChangeToTOC()
if (!gbTocLoaded) {
var TocDiv = window.NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav');
if (TocDiv != null) {
if (window.TabFrame().document.images['TocTab'] != null) {
if (window.TabFrame().document.images['IndexTab'] != null) {
if (window.TabFrame().document.images['FtsTab'] != null) {
window.NavFrame().ShowDiv('TocNav', true);
window.NavFrame().ShowDiv('IndexNav', false);
window.NavFrame().ShowDiv('FtsNav', false);
if (gbNav4 && window.NavFrame().window.NSscrollbar) {
function ChangeToTOC()
setTimeout("TimeoutChangeToTOC();", 50);
function SelectTOC()
if (!gbTocLoaded) {
var TocDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav');
if (TocDiv != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['TocTab'] != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['IndexTab'] != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['FtsTab'] != null) {
NavFrame().ShowDiv('TocNav', true);
NavFrame().ShowDiv('IndexNav', false);
NavFrame().ShowDiv('FtsNav', false);
if (gbNav4 && NavFrame().window.NSscrollbar) {
setTimeout("TOCFocus()", 200);
function TimeoutChangeToIndex()
if (!gbIndexLoaded) {
var IndexDiv = window.NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav');
if (IndexDiv != null) {
if (window.TabFrame().document.images['TocTab'] != null) {
if (window.TabFrame().document.images['IndexTab'] != null) {
if (window.TabFrame().document.images['FtsTab'] != null) {
window.NavFrame().ShowDiv('TocNav', false);
window.NavFrame().ShowDiv('IndexNav', true);
window.NavFrame().ShowDiv('FtsNav', false);
if (gbNav4 && window.NavFrame().window.NSscrollbar) {
function ChangeToIndex()
setTimeout("TimeoutChangeToIndex();", 50);
function SelectIndex()
if (!gbIndexLoaded) {
var IndexDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav');
if (IndexDiv != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['TocTab'] != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['IndexTab'] != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['FtsTab'] != null) {
NavFrame().ShowDiv('TocNav', false);
NavFrame().ShowDiv('IndexNav', true);
NavFrame().ShowDiv('FtsNav', false);
if (gbNav4 && NavFrame().window.NSscrollbar) {
NavFrame().window.NSscrollbar.SetActiveLayer(NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav') );
setTimeout("IndexFocus()", 200);
function SelectFTS()
var FtsDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav');
if (!gbFtsLoaded) {
if (FtsDiv != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['TocTab'] != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['IndexTab'] != null) {
if (TabFrame().document.images['FtsTab'] != null) {
NavFrame().ShowDiv('TocNav', false);
NavFrame().ShowDiv('IndexNav', false);
NavFrame().ShowDiv('FtsNav', true);
if (gbNav4 && NavFrame().window.NSscrollbar) {
setTimeout("FTSFocus()", 200);
function TOCFocus()
if (gbIE55)
var TocDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav');
if (TocDiv && TocDiv.document && TocDiv.document.frames['TocIFrame'])
TocDiv = TocDiv.document.frames['TocIFrame'];
if (TocDiv)
function FTSFocus()
var FtsDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav');
if (gbIE4) {
if (FtsDiv && FtsDiv.document && FtsDiv.document.frames['FtsIFrame'] &&
FtsDiv = FtsDiv.document.frames['FtsIFrame'].frames['ftsform'];
if (FtsDiv && FtsDiv.FtsInputForm != null) {
function IndexFocus()
var IndexDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav');
if (gbIE4) {
if (IndexDiv && IndexDiv.document && IndexDiv.document.frames['IndexIFrame'] &&
IndexDiv = IndexDiv.document.frames['IndexIFrame'].frames['idxform'];
if (IndexDiv && IndexDiv.IndexInputForm != null) {
function SelectInitialTab()
// Create the necessary IFrames for IE
if (gbIE4) {
if (FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav') != null) {
var nIFrameHeight = FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav').style.pixelHeight - 10;
var strIFrame = '<IFRAME ID="TocIFrame" SRC="' + gstrTocDhtml + '" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=no STYLE="position:absolute; left:2%; width:92%; height:';
if (gbMac) {
strIFrame += nIFrameHeight + 'px;"></IFRAME>';
} else {
strIFrame += '100%;"></IFRAME>';
FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav').innerHTML = strIFrame;
if (FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav') != null) {
var nIFrameHeight = FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav').style.pixelHeight - 10;
var strIFrame = '<IFRAME ID="IndexIFrame" SRC="' + gstrBlankhtml + '" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=no STYLE="position:absolute; left:2%; width:92%; height:';
if (gbMac) {
strIFrame += nIFrameHeight + 'px;"></IFRAME>';
} else {
strIFrame += '100%;"></IFRAME>';
FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav').innerHTML = strIFrame;
if (FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav') != null) {
var nIFrameHeight = FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav').style.pixelHeight - 10;
var strIFrame = '<IFRAME ID="FtsIFrame" SRC="' + gstrBlankhtml + '" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=no STYLE="position:absolute; left:2%; width:92%; height:';
if (gbMac) {
strIFrame += nIFrameHeight + 'px;"></IFRAME>';
} else {
strIFrame += '100%;"></IFRAME>';
FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav').innerHTML = strIFrame;
// Call the real selection function
setTimeout("SelectInitTabReal()", 50);
function SelectInitTabReal()
parent.gbTocLoaded = false;
parent.gbIndexLoaded = false;
parent.gbFtsLoaded = false;
if (gstrIniDhtml == gstrTocDhtml) {
} else if (gstrIniDhtml == gstrIdxDhtml) {
} else if (gstrIniDhtml == gstrFtsDhtml) {
// if (FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav') != null) {
// parent.SelectTOC();
// } else if (FindTopLevelLayer('IndexNav') != null) {
// parent.SelectIndex();
// } else if (FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav') != null) {
// parent.SelectFTS();
// }
// Index code
var gbIndexLayerInit = false;
function IndexInitPage()
parent.gbIndexLayerInit = false;
if (gbNav4) {
onLoad = TocArrangeAllLayerNS();
} else if (gbIE4) {
// Mark all Index blocks as "expanded"
var tempColl = document.all.tags("DIV");
for (var i = 0; i < tempColl.length; i++) {
if (tempColl(i).className == "child") tempColl(i).style.display = "block";
// Make an array of parents so we can access them directly
var tempColl = document.all.tags("DIV");
var iLetterIndex = 0;
var nACharCode = "A".charCodeAt(0);
for (var i = 0; i < tempColl.length; i++) {
if (tempColl(i).className == "parent") {
if (tempColl(i).innerText == "#") {
gIndexLetterArray[0] = tempColl(i);
} else {
iLetterIndex = tempColl(i).innerText.charCodeAt(0);
iLetterIndex -= nACharCode;
iLetterIndex += 1;
gIndexLetterArray[iLetterIndex] = tempColl(i);
setTimeout("parent.gbIndexLayerInit = true;",1000);
function IndexWriteClassStyle()
document.write("<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>");
if (gbNav4) {
document.write(".IndexItem {visibility:inherit; font-size:9pt;}");
document.write(".parent {font-size:10pt; position:absolute; visibility:hidden}");
document.write(".child {font-size:10pt; position:absolute; visibility:hidden}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:-15pt;}");
document.write("DIV {margin-left:10pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
document.write("P {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
document.write("A:link {text-decoration: none; color: 000000}");
document.write("A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: 333333}");
document.write("A:active {text-decoration: none; background-color: #cccccc}");
document.write("A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: 007f00}");
} else if (gbIE4) {
if (gbMac) {
if (gbIE5) {
document.write(".IndexItem {visibility:inherit; font-size:10pt;}");
document.write(".parent {font-size:10pt;}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:15pt;}");
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:10pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("H6 {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:10pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;}");
document.write("H6.firstsub {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:10pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;}");
} else {
document.write(".IndexItem {visibility:inherit; font-size:12pt;}");
document.write(".parent {font-size:14pt;}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:15pt;}");
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:12pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("H6 {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:12pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;}");
document.write("H6.firstsub {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:12pt; margin-top:-10pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;}");
} else {
document.write(".IndexItem {visibility:inherit; font-size:8pt;}");
document.write(".parent {font-size:10pt;}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:15pt;}");
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:9pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("H6 {font-family:'Arial'; color:#cccccc; font-size:9pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;}");
document.write(".child {display:block}");
document.write("DIV {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
document.write("A:link {text-decoration: none; color: 000000}");
document.write("A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: 333333}");
document.write("A:active {text-decoration: none; background-color: #cccccc}");
document.write("A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: 007f00}");
//Define variable arguments as: strTitle, strUrl
function TopicEntry()
var argLen = TopicEntry.arguments.length;
this.strTitle = TopicEntry.arguments[0];
this.strURL = TopicEntry.arguments[1];
//Define variable arguments as: strKeyword [,strTopicIndex]*
function IndexKeywordEntry()
var argLen = IndexKeywordEntry.arguments.length;
this.strKeyword = IndexKeywordEntry.arguments[0];
this.arrayTopics = new Array();
// Now add all of the topic entries
for (var i=0; i < argLen - 1; i++) {
this.arrayTopics[i] = IndexKeywordEntry.arguments[i + 1];
function IndexBody()
// Get the appropriate item to add items to
var layerFind = null;
if (gbIE4) {
layerFind = parent.document.frames['idxbody'];
} else if (gbNav4) {
layerFind = parent.document.idxbody.document;
return layerFind;
function IndexForm()
// Get the appropriate item to add items to
var layerFind = null;
if (gbIE4) {
layerFind = parent.document.frames['idxform'];
} else if (gbNav4) {
layerFind = parent.document.idxform.document;
return layerFind;
function IndexExpandIt(elId, bForceOpen)
var layerChild = null;
if (gbIE4) {
layerChild = TocExpandIE(elId, false, bForceOpen);
if (!bForceOpen) {
var nNewScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
if (layerChild.style.display == "block") {
var nItemTop = layerChild.offsetTop;
var nItemBottom = nItemTop + layerChild.offsetHeight;
// Make sure the bottom is visible if possible
if (document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight < nItemBottom) {
nNewScroll = nItemBottom - document.body.clientHeight;
// If expanded item is bigger than the client area, scroll the item to the top
if (nItemBottom - nItemTop > document.body.clientHeight) {
nNewScroll = nItemTop - 20;
document.body.scrollTop = nNewScroll;
} else if (gbNav4) {
layerChild = TocExpandNS(elId, false, bForceOpen);
if (window.NSscrollbar != null) {
return layerChild;
function IndexInputEnable(bEnable)
gbIndexInputEnable = bEnable;
function IndexInputSubmit()
//Initize the site
function IndexSiteInit()
if (!window.Array) return;
if (gbNav4) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYUP);
document.onkeyup = IndexLookupKeydown;
function IndexLookupKeydown()
function IndexLookup(bCR)
if (!parent.gbIndexLayerInit) {
if (!gbIndexInputEnable && !gbMac) {
var strInput = document.IndexInputForm.keywordField.value.toUpperCase();
if (strInput != "") {
IndexSiteDisplay(strInput, bCR);
if (gbMac) {
function IndexSiteDisplay(strInput, bCR)
// Get the topmost Index layer
var IndexDiv = IndexBody();
// Get the layer for the first letter
var cFirst = strInput.charAt(0);
var layerFirst = null;
if (gbNav4) {
for (var iLayer = 0; iLayer < document.layers.length; iLayer++) {
if ((document.layers[iLayer].id.indexOf("Parent") != -1) &&
(document.layers[iLayer].id.charAt(0) == cFirst)) {
layerFirst = document.layers[iLayer];
if (layerFirst == null) {
layerFirst = document.BookR0000000Parent;
} else if (gbIE4) {
var iLetterIndex = cFirst.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 1;
if ((iLetterIndex < 1) || (iLetterIndex > 26)) {
layerFirst = IndexDiv.gIndexLetterArray[0];
} else {
layerFirst = IndexDiv.gIndexLetterArray[iLetterIndex];
// If we didn't find anything then return - something went terribly wrong
if (layerFirst == null) {
// Expand the first layer
var strLayerID = layerFirst.id;
var iParent = strLayerID.indexOf("Parent");
strLayerID = strLayerID.substr(0, iParent);
var layerChild = IndexDiv.IndexExpandIt(strLayerID, true);
// Find the first child that "matches" the item we are searchig for
var MatchingItem = null;
if (gbNav4) {
} else if (gbIE4) {
var tempColl = layerChild.all.tags("P");
if (tempColl.length == 0) {
MatchingItem = layerChild;
} else {
var iStart = 0;
var iEnd = tempColl.length - 1;
var iMid = 0;
var strItemUpper = "";
while (iStart <= iEnd) {
iMid = iStart + iEnd;
iMid >>= 1;
strItemUpper = tempColl(iMid).innerText;
strItemUpper = strItemUpper.toUpperCase();
if (strItemUpper.indexOf(strInput) == 0) {
} else if (strItemUpper > strInput) {
iEnd = iMid - 1;
} else {
iStart = iMid + 1;
// Search backward to find the first one that partially matches
var iMatch = 0;
for (var iMatch = iMid; iMatch >= 0; iMatch--) {
strItemUpper = tempColl(iMatch).innerText;
strItemUpper = strItemUpper.toUpperCase();
if (strItemUpper.indexOf(strInput) != 0) {
if (iMatch != iMid) {
if (iMatch >= 0) {
if (iMatch < tempColl.length - 1) {
iMid = iMatch + 1;
} else {
iMid = iMatch;
} else {
iMid = 0;
MatchingItem = tempColl(iMid);
// Scroll to the closest matching item
if (MatchingItem) {
if (gbNav4) {
} else if (gbIE4) {
IndexDiv.document.body.scrollTop = MatchingItem.offsetTop;
// Set the focus on the selected hyperlink (if there is one)
if (gbIE5) {
tempColl = MatchingItem.all.tags("A");
if (tempColl.length > 0) {
// If a carriage return was used then simulate a click
if (bCR) {
} else {
// Simply set the focus to the hyperlink
if (gbIE55) {
} else {
var gBsLastHighLightElement = null;
var gBsOrgBackgroundColor = null;
function HighLightElement(objAnchor)
if (gBsOrgBackgroundColor == null)
gBsOrgBackgroundColor = objAnchor.currentStyle.backgroundcolor;
objAnchor.style.backgroundColor = "lightgrey";
gBsLastHighLightElement = objAnchor;
function resetHighLight()
if (gBsLastHighLightElement != null)
if (gBsOrgBackgroundColor != null)
gBsLastHighLightElement.style.backgroundColor = gBsOrgBackgroundColor ;
gBsLastHighLightElement.style.backgroundColor = "transparent" ;
// TOC code
var imgBookClose ="bssctoc1.gif";
var imgBookOpen ="bssctoc2.gif";
var elTocArray = new Array();
var elTocArrayNum = 0;
function TocWriteClassStyle()
document.write("<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>");
if (gbNav4) {
document.write(".parent {position:absolute; visibility:hidden}");
document.write(".child {position:absolute; visibility:hidden}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:-15pt;}");
document.write("DIV {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
document.write("P {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
document.write("PRE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
} else if (gbIE4) {
if (gbMac) {
if (gbIE5){
document.write(".parent {font-size:10pt;}");
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("PRE {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:15pt;}");
document.write("DIV {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
} else {
document.write(".parent {font-size:14pt;}");
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:12pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("PRE {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:12pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:15pt;}");
document.write("DIV {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
} else {
document.write(".parent {font-size:10pt;}");
document.write("BLOCKQUOTE {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; margin-left:15pt;}");
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:8pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("PRE {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:8pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt;}");
document.write("DIV {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt}");
document.write(".child {display:none}");
document.write("A:link {text-decoration: none; color: 000000}");
document.write("A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: 333333}");
document.write("A:active {text-decoration: none; background-color: #cccccc}");
document.write("A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: 007f00}");
function TocWriteFixedWidth(bBegin, nWidth)
//Avoid the wrap of text after book/page, make a invisble outter table is approch (for IE4 iMac only)
// This will make IE4 DHTML Sync Toc DO NOT WORK.
if ((gbIE4) && (gbMac) && (!gbIE5)) {
if (bBegin) {
document.write("<table width=" + nWidth +" border=0><tr><td>");
} else {
//Assign the layer's visibility at initialize the Page
function TocInitPage()
// var TocDiv = NavFrame().FindTopLevelLayer('TocNav');
// if (TocDiv != null) {
// return;
// }
if (gbNav4) {
// for (var i=0; i < document.layers.length; i++) {
// var whichEl = document.layers[i];
// if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Child") != -1) {
// whichEl.visibility = "hide";
// } else {
// whichEl.visibility = "show";
// }
// }
onLoad = TocArrangeAllLayerNS();
} else if (gbIE4) {
// Select the first hyperlink
var tempColl = document.all.tags("A");
if (tempColl.length > 0) {
function TocShowLayer(whichEl, bShow)
if (bShow) {
whichEl.visibility = "show";
} else {
whichEl.visibility = "hide";
for (var i=0; i<whichEl.document.layers.length; i++) {
var whichChildEl = whichEl.document.layers[i];
ShowLayer(whichChildEl, bShow);
function TocExpandAll()
for (var i=0; i<document.layers.length; i++) {
var whichEl = document.layers[i];
TocShowLayer(whichEl, true);
function TocCollapseAll()
for (var i=0; i<document.layers.length; i++) {
var whichEl = document.layers[i];
ShowLayer(whichEl, false);
if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Child") != -1) {
whichEl.visibility = "hide";
} else {
whichEl.visibility = "show";
//Expand a layer
function TocExpandIt(elId)
TocExpandIt2(elId, false);
//Expand a layer
function TocExpandIt2(elId, bForceOpen)
if (gbIE4) {
var child = TocExpandIE(elId, true, bForceOpen);
var nNewScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
if (child.style.display == "block") {
var nItemTop = child.offsetTop;
var nItemBottom = nItemTop + child.offsetHeight;
// Make sure the bottom is visible if possible
if (document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight < nItemBottom) {
nNewScroll = nItemBottom - document.body.clientHeight;
// If expanded item is bigger than the client area, scroll the item to the top
if (nItemBottom - nItemTop > document.body.clientHeight) {
nNewScroll = nItemTop - 20;
document.body.scrollTop = nNewScroll;
} else if (gbNav4) {
TocExpandNS(elId, true, false);
if (window.NSscrollbar != null) {
//Functions for IE
function TocExpandIE(elId, bChangeImg, bForceOpen)
var whichEl = eval(elId + "Child");
var whichIm = document.images[elId];
if (whichEl == null) {
return null;
if ((whichEl.style.display != "block") || bForceOpen) {
whichEl.style.display = "block";
if (bChangeImg) {
whichIm.src = imgBookOpen;
} else {
whichEl.style.display = "none";
if (bChangeImg) {
whichIm.src = imgBookClose;
if (gbMac) {
//YJ: ?? can not scroll into view, if div has fixed width, it will scroll horizal to the very end.
return whichEl;
//Functions for NS
function TocExpandNS(elId, bChangeImg, bForceOpen)
var whichParent = null;
var whichChild = null;
var idParent = elId + "Parent";
var idChild = elId + "Child";
for (var i=0; i<elTocArrayNum ;i++) {
if (idParent == elTocArray[i].id) {
whichParent = elTocArray[i].el;
if ((i+1 < elTocArrayNum) && (idChild == elTocArray[i+1].id))
whichChild = elTocArray[i+1].el;
if (whichParent == null) return null;
var imgParent = whichParent.document.images[0];
if (whichChild == null) return null;
if (whichChild.visibility == "hide")
whichChild.visibility = "show";
if (bChangeImg) {
imgParent.src = imgBookOpen;
for (var i=0; i<whichChild.layers.length; i++)
var whichEl = whichChild.layers[i];
if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Parent") != -1)
whichEl.visibility = "show";
else if (bForceOpen)
return whichChild;
whichChild.visibility = "hide";
if (bChangeImg) {
imgParent.src = imgBookClose;
for (var i=0; i<whichChild.layers.length; i++)
var whichEl = whichChild.layers[i];
whichEl.visibility = "hide";
return whichChild;
function elTocLayerNS(elLayer, elLayerId)
this.el = elLayer;
this.id = elLayerId;
function TocFindLayerNS(elLayer)
for (var i = 0; i < elLayer.layers.length; i++) {
var whichEl = elLayer.layers[i];
// if (typeof whichEl != "undefined") {
if ((whichEl.id.indexOf("Parent") != -1) ||
(whichEl.id.indexOf("Child") != -1)) {
elTocArray[elTocArrayNum] = new elTocLayerNS(whichEl,whichEl.id);
function TocBuildLayerArrayNS()
elTocArrayNum = 0;
var nextY = 0;
var nextX = 0; // real means : the maxium width of sub-layers' width
function TocArrangeLayerNS(elLayer, bShowLayer, iLevel, bChangeImg)
var i = 0;
while (i < elLayer.layers.length)
var whichParent = elLayer.layers[i];
if (whichParent.id.indexOf("Parent") == -1)
i++; // Check to make sure this is a "parent" because we do have extra layers on the page
var whichChild = elLayer.layers[i+1];
if (bShowLayer)
{ // Check to see if we have a second (or lower level) block with pages
// on top of books. If so, Netscape would ordinarily add space for the
// BLOCKQUOTE, but we don't want one - so remove the space.
if( (i == 0) && (iLevel > 0) &&
(null != whichParent.parentLayer) &&
(whichParent.parentLayer.document.images.length > 0))
nextY -= whichParent.document.height;
whichParent.pageY = nextY;
whichParent.visibility = "show";
whichParent.clip.bottom = whichParent.document.height;
whichParent.clip.right = whichParent.document.width + iLevel*20;// plus indent width
if( whichParent.clip.right > nextX )
nextX = whichParent.clip.right;
nextY += whichParent.document.height;
if (whichChild.visibility == "show")
if (bChangeImg)
whichParent.document.images[0].src = imgBookOpen;
whichChild.pageY = nextY;
nextY += whichChild.document.height;
whichChild.clip.right = whichChild.document.width + iLevel*20;// plus indent width
if( whichChild.clip.right > nextX )
nextX = whichChild.clip.right;
TocArrangeLayerNS(whichChild, true, iLevel + 1, bChangeImg);
whichChild.clip.bottom = nextY - window.NSscrollbar.GetContentVerticalPos();
if( nextX > whichChild.clip.right )
whichChild.clip.right = nextX;
if (bChangeImg)
whichParent.document.images[0].src = imgBookClose;
TocArrangeLayerNS(whichChild, false, iLevel + 1, bChangeImg);
if (bChangeImg)
whichParent.document.images[0].src = imgBookClose;
whichParent.visibility = "hide";
whichParent.clip.bottom = 0;
whichParent.clip.right = 0;
whichChild.visibility = "hide";
whichChild.clip.bottom = 0;
whichChild.clip.right = 0;
TocArrangeLayerNS(whichChild, false, iLevel, bChangeImg);
i += 2;
function TocArrangeAllLayerNS(bChangeImg)
if (document.layers.length > 0) {
nextX = document.layers[0].pageX;
nextY = document.layers[0].pageY;
TocArrangeLayerNS(document, true, 0, bChangeImg);
// FTS code
function FtsWriteClassStyle()
document.write("<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>");
if (gbNav4) {
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:9pt;}");
document.write("A:link {text-decoration: none; color: 000000}");
document.write("A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: 333333}");
document.write("A:active {text-decoration: none; background-color: #cccccc}");
document.write("A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: 007f00}");
} else if (gbIE4) {
if (gbMac) {
if (gbIE5) {
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;}");
document.write("dt {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;}");
} else {
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:12pt;}");
document.write("dt {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:12pt;}");
} else {
document.write("P {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:9pt;}");
document.write("dt {font-family:'Arial'; font-size:9pt;}");
document.write("A:link {text-decoration: none; color: 000000}");
document.write("A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: 333333}");
document.write("A:active {text-decoration: none; background-color: #cccccc}");
document.write("A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: 007f00}");
//Define variable arguments as: strKeyword [,strTopicIndex]*
//function KeywordEntry()
function FtsKeywordEntry()
var argLen = FtsKeywordEntry.arguments.length;
this.strKeyword = FtsKeywordEntry.arguments[0];
this.arrayTopics = new Array();
// Now add all of the topic entries
for (var i=0; i < argLen - 1; i++) {
this.arrayTopics[i] = FtsKeywordEntry.arguments[i + 1];
function FtsStopWord()
this.strStopWord = FtsStopWord.arguments[0];
function FtsInputEnable(bEnable)
gbFtsInputEnable = bEnable;
function FtsInputSubmit()
//Hack for IE, have to use keydown to get enter event,
//Embedding WebHelp to WinHelp2000 will fail to fire the submit the form.
if (!gbIE4)
return false;
//Initize the site
function FtsInit()
if (!window.Array) return;
if (gbNav4) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYUP);
document.onkeyup = FtsLookupKeydown;
function FtsLookupKeydown()
if (gbIE4)
if (event.keyCode == 13) //Enter key
function FtsLookup()
if (!gbFtsInputEnable && !gbMac)
var strInput = document.FtsInputForm.ftsField.value.toLowerCase();
if (strInput != "") {
if (gbMac) {
var gstrDisplayInput = "";
function FtsFindTable()
// Get the appropriate item to add items to
var layerFind = null;
if (gbIE4) {
layerFind = parent.document.frames['ftsbody'].document.all.FtsFindTable;
} else if (gbNav4) {
layerFind = parent.document.ftsbody.document.FtsFindTable.document;
return layerFind;
function FtsBody()
// Get the appropriate item to add items to
var layerFind = null;
if (gbIE4) {
layerFind = parent.document.frames['ftsbody'];
} else if (gbNav4) {
layerFind = parent.document.ftsbody.document;
return layerFind;
function FtsDisplay(strInput)
var layerFind = FtsFindTable();
if (layerFind == null) {
// Let the user know we are busy
var strHtm = "<P><B><FONT SIZE=2>Finding topics...</FONT></B></P>"
if (gbIE4) {
layerFind.innerHTML = strHtm;
} else if (gbNav4) {
window.gstrDisplayInput = strInput;
setTimeout("FtsDisplayReal()", 50);
function FtsDisplayReal()
var FtsDiv = FtsBody();
// if (gbNav4) {
// FtsDiv = FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav');
// } else if (gbIE4) {
// FtsDiv = parent.parent.FindTopLevelLayer('FtsNav');
// FtsDiv = FtsDiv.document.frames['FtsIFrame'].document.all.ftsbody;
// }
var strInput = window.gstrDisplayInput;
var nKeywordArrayLen = FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray.length;
var nTopicArrayLen = FtsDiv.gFtsTopicArray.length;
var nStopArrayLen = FtsDiv.gFtsStopArray.length;
// Get the appropriate item to add items to
var layerFind = FtsFindTable();
if (layerFind == null) {
// Keep track of which operation we are currently in
// 0 = OR; 1 = AND
var nCurrentOp = 0;
var bNot = false;
// Loop through the words in the input string
var bFinished = false;
var bFirstKeyword = true;
var strCurrentWord = "";
var strCurrentStem = "";
var strKeyword = "";
var strHtm = "";
var nFirstMatch = -1;
var nLastMatch = -1;
var i=0;
var iSpace = 0;
var iFound = 0;
var SearchTopicArray = new Array();
var iSearch = 0;
// If you change this Word Break string make sure you also change it in FtsDataBase.CPP
var FTS_WORD_BREAK_CHARS = "\t\r\n\"\\ .,!@#$%^&*()~'`:;<>?/{}[]|+-=\x85\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x99\xA9\xAE\xB7";
var nNumWordBreakChars = FTS_WORD_BREAK_CHARS.length;
// Clear the flags for each of the topics
var iTopic = 0;
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nTopicArrayLen; iTopic++) {
SearchTopicArray[iTopic] = 0;
while (!bFinished) {
// Get the next word
iSpace = -1;
iChar = 0;
iSep = -1;
for (var iChar = 0; iChar < nNumWordBreakChars; iChar++) {
iFound = strInput.indexOf(FTS_WORD_BREAK_CHARS.charAt(iChar));
if ((iFound != -1) && ((iSpace == -1) || (iFound < iSpace))) {
iSpace = iFound;
iSep = iChar;
if (iSpace == -1) {
strCurrentWord = strInput;
strInput = "";
} else {
strCurrentWord = strInput.substr(0, iSpace);
strInput = strInput.substr(iSpace + 1);
// Check for operators or a blank word
if ((strCurrentWord == "or") ||
((iSep >= 0) && (FTS_WORD_BREAK_CHARS.charAt(iSep) == "|"))) {
nCurrentOp = 0;
bNot = false;
} else if ((strCurrentWord == "and") ||
((iSep >= 0) && (FTS_WORD_BREAK_CHARS.charAt(iSep) == "&"))) {
nCurrentOp = 1;
bNot = false;
} else if ((strCurrentWord == "not") ||
((iSep >= 0) && (FTS_WORD_BREAK_CHARS.charAt(iSep) == "~"))) {
bNot = true;
} else if (strCurrentWord == "") {
if (strInput == "") {
} else {
} else if (!IsStopWord(strCurrentWord, FtsDiv.gFtsStopArray, nStopArrayLen)){
// See if this is has a NOT at the beginning
if (strCurrentWord.substr(0, 1) == "~") {
bNot = true;
strCurrentWord = strCurrentWord.substr(1);
// Get the stemmed version of the word
strCurrentStem = GetStem(strCurrentWord);
// See if the stemmed word is found in the list
iFound = -1;
iFound = FtsFindKeyword(strCurrentStem, FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray, nKeywordArrayLen);
// Did we find the keyword?
if (iFound != -1) {
// See if we are performing an OR operation
var nNumTopics = FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics.length;
if (nCurrentOp == 0) {
if (bNot) {
var cFoundArrayTopics = FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics;
// Add all topics that are not in the list for this keyword
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nTopicArrayLen; iTopic++) {
// See if the topic is in the list for this keyword
for (iListTopic = 0; iListTopic < nNumTopics; iListTopic++) {
if (cFoundArrayTopics[iListTopic] == iTopic) {
if (iListTopic == nNumTopics) {
// The topic is not in the list for the current keyword, so add it
SearchTopicArray[iTopic] = 1;
} else {
// Loop through the topics that have the keyword and add them to the list
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nNumTopics; iTopic++) {
var nTopicNum = FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics[iTopic];
// Add the topic to the list
SearchTopicArray[nTopicNum] = 1;
// See if this is an AND operation
} else if (nCurrentOp == 1) {
if (bNot) {
// Loop through the topics for the current word and remove them from the list
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nNumTopics; iTopic++) {
SearchTopicArray[FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics[iTopic]] = 0;
} else {
// Loop through the topics already in the list and remove them if they are not
// in the list for the current word
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nNumTopics; iTopic++) {
if (SearchTopicArray[FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics[iTopic]] == 1) {
SearchTopicArray[FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics[iTopic]] = -1;
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nTopicArrayLen; iTopic++) {
if (SearchTopicArray[iTopic] == -1) {
SearchTopicArray[iTopic] = 1;
} else {
SearchTopicArray[iTopic] = 0;
} else {
// Word was not found
// Clear the list if this is an AND operation
if ((nCurrentOp == 1) && (!bNot)) {
for (iSearch = 0; iSearch < nTopicArrayLen; iSearch++) {
SearchTopicArray[iSearch] = 0;
// Add all items to the list if this is an OR operation with a NOT operator
} else if ((nCurrentOp == 0) && (bNot)) {
// Add all topics that are not in the list for this keyword
// First set all flags to -1 if they are not already set
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nTopicArrayLen; iTopic++) {
if (SearchTopicArray[iTopic] == 0) {
SearchTopicArray[iTopic] = -1;
// Now clear all -1s for topics associated with this keyword
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nNumTopics; iTopic++) {
if (SearchTopicArray[FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics[iTopic]] == -1) {
SearchTopicArray[FtsDiv.gFtsKeywordArray[iFound].arrayTopics[iTopic]] = 0;
// Finally change all -1s to 1s
for (iTopic = 0; iTopic < nTopicArrayLen; iTopic++) {
if (SearchTopicArray[iTopic] == -1) {
SearchTopicArray[iTopic] = 1;
// If this was the first word change the operation to "and". We need to have it be
// an "or" for the first keyword so we would add the items for the first search word.
if (bFirstKeyword) {
bFirstKeyword = false;
nCurrentOp = 1;
var aSortedTopics = new Array();
var nNumSortTopics = 0;
for (iSearch = 0; iSearch < nTopicArrayLen; iSearch++) {
if (SearchTopicArray[iSearch]) {
aSortedTopics[nNumSortTopics++] = iSearch;
// Limit the number of topics in the result set
if (nNumSortTopics > 75) {
nNumSortTopics = 75;
// Sort the topics by title
SortTopics(FtsDiv, aSortedTopics, 0, nNumSortTopics - 1);
// Add hyperlinks for all of the found topics
var strLine = "";
for (iSearch = 0; iSearch < nNumSortTopics; iSearch++) {
i = aSortedTopics[iSearch];
if (i != -1) {
strLine = "<dt><nobr><a href='" + FtsDiv.gFtsTopicArray[i].strURL + "'>";
strLine += FtsDiv.gFtsTopicArray[i].strTitle;
strLine += "</a></nobr></dt>";
strHtm += strLine;
// Give a special message if none were found
if (strHtm == "") {
strHtm = "<P><B>No topics found.</B></P>"
} else {
strHtm = "<dl>" + strHtm + "</dl>";
if (gbIE4) {
layerFind.innerHTML = strHtm;
} else if (gbNav4) {
function FtsFindKeyword(strCurrentWord, aFtsKeywordArray, nKeywordArrayLen)
// Search for the current word in the array (binary search)
var nLow = 0;
var nHigh = nKeywordArrayLen - 1;
var nMid = 0;
var bFound = false;
var strKeyword = "";
while (nLow <= nHigh) {
nMid = (nLow + nHigh);
nMid >>= 1;
strKeyword = aFtsKeywordArray[nMid].strKeyword;
if (strCurrentWord > strKeyword) {
nLow = (nLow == nMid) ? nMid + 1 : nMid;
} else {
if (strCurrentWord < strKeyword) {
nHigh = (nHigh == nMid) ? nMid - 1: nMid;
} else {
bFound = true;
if (bFound) {
return nMid;
} else {
return -1;
// QuickSort
function SortTopics(FtsDiv, SearchTopicArray, nStart, nEnd)
if (nEnd - nStart > 0) {
var nLastLow = nStart;
// Get the first value into its proper spot
for (var i = nStart + 1; i <= nEnd; i++) {
if ((SearchTopicArray[i] != -1) && (SearchTopicArray[nStart] != -1) &&
(FtsDiv.gFtsTopicArray[SearchTopicArray[i]].strTitle < FtsDiv.gFtsTopicArray[SearchTopicArray[nStart]].strTitle)) {
temp = SearchTopicArray[i];
SearchTopicArray[i] = SearchTopicArray[nLastLow];
SearchTopicArray[nLastLow] = temp;
temp = SearchTopicArray[nStart];
SearchTopicArray[nStart] = SearchTopicArray[nLastLow];
SearchTopicArray[nLastLow] = temp;
// Sort the two halves of this array surrounding the new spot for the first value
SortTopics(FtsDiv, SearchTopicArray, nStart, nLastLow);
SortTopics(FtsDiv, SearchTopicArray, nLastLow + 1, nEnd);
function IsStopWord(strCurrentWord, aFtsStopArray, nStopArrayLen)
// Search for the current word in the array (binary search)
var nLow = 0;
var nHigh = nStopArrayLen - 1;
var nMid = 0;
var bFound = false;
var strStopWord = "";
while (nLow <= nHigh) {
nMid = (nLow + nHigh);
nMid >>= 1;
strStopWord = aFtsStopArray[nMid].strStopWord;
if (strCurrentWord > strStopWord) {
nLow = (nLow == nMid) ? nMid + 1 : nMid;
} else {
if (strCurrentWord < strStopWord) {
nHigh = (nHigh == nMid) ? nMid - 1: nMid;
} else {
bFound = true;
if (bFound) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// NOTE: If you change this function, you should also change
// it in the FtsDatabase.CPP file
function GetStem(szWord)
var aStems = new Array();
aStems[0] = "ed";
aStems[1] = "es";
aStems[2] = "er";
aStems[3] = "e";
aStems[4] = "s";
aStems[5] = "ingly";
aStems[6] = "ing";
aStems[7] = "ly";
// Loop through all the stems
var nNumStems = aStems.length;
var nStemPos = 0;
var csStem = "";
var csSubString = "";
for (var iStem = 0; iStem < nNumStems; iStem++) {
// Get the "would be" position of the stem in the word and see
// if this word has the stem
nStemPos = szWord.lastIndexOf(aStems[iStem]);
if (nStemPos > 0) {
csSubString = szWord.substring(nStemPos);
if (csSubString == aStems[iStem]) {
// Found a stem
// Check for double consonant
csStem = szWord;
if (szWord.charAt(nStemPos - 2) == szWord.charAt(nStemPos - 1)) {
csStem = csStem.substring(0, nStemPos - 1);
} else {
csStem = csStem.substring(0, nStemPos);
return csStem;
// No stem found
csStem = szWord;
return csStem;
// Navgation Bar Code
function NavBar_SelectTOC()
var frameLeft = null
if (gbNav4) {
frameLeft = window.parent.left;
} else {
frameLeft = window.parent.frames("left");
function NavBar_SelectIndex()
var frameLeft = null
if (gbNav4) {
frameLeft = window.parent.left;
} else {
frameLeft = window.parent.frames("left");
// Function support sync toc for DHTML
function NavBar_SyncToc(strRelURL)
var strHomeURL = location.href;
if (location.hash.length > 0)
strHomeURL = location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf("#"));
var strHomePath = strHomeURL.substring(0, strHomeURL.lastIndexOf("/"));
var strAbsURL = strHomePath + "/" + strRelURL;
var containTags = new Array();
strAbsURL = NavBar_ReplaceSlash(strAbsURL);
var res = NavBar_SearchToc(document.body, strAbsURL, containTags, 0);
if (res >= 0)
for (i = 0; i < res; i ++ ) {
var elId = containTags[i].id;
elId = elId.substring(0, elId.indexOf("Child"));
TocExpandIt2(elId, true);
// if the DHTML structure changed . the following code MUST MODIFY.
// Currently do not support IE4.5 on Mac. because on iMac we will capsulate all the contents in a <TABLE>.
// for IE 4.5 will wrap text which is not good for us.
// so if want to enable IE4.5. something need to take care here.
// now we are using Applet for IE 4.5 instead of DHTML for some other reasons.
function NavBar_SearchToc(tagsObject, strAbsURL, containTags, level)
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var collBlock = tagsObject.children.tags("BLOCKQUOTE");
if (collBlock != null) {
for (i = 0; i < collBlock.length ; i ++ )
// here we assume each BLOCKQUOTE has one and only one DIV
containTags[level] = collBlock[i].children.tags("DIV")[0];
var res = NavBar_SearchToc(containTags[level], strAbsURL, containTags, level + 1);
if (res != -1)
return res;
var collA = tagsObject.all.tags("A");
if (collA != null) {
for (j = 0; j < collA.length; j ++ )
var hrefURL = NavBar_ReplaceSlash(collA[j].href);
if (hrefURL == strAbsURL)
containTags[level] = collA[j];
return level;
return -1;
// replace \\ to /
function NavBar_ReplaceSlash(strURL)
var strReplacedURL = "";
for (i = 0; i < strURL.length; i ++ )
if (strURL.charAt(i) == '\\')
strReplacedURL = strReplacedURL + "/"
strReplacedURL = strReplacedURL + strURL.charAt(i);
return strReplacedURL;